3 Ways to Integrate Bhakti Yoga to Your Teaching (and life)

Incorporate a devotional theme in your class

Bhakti yoga cultivates the expression and love of the divine through devotional rituals. you can integrate this by setting an intention at the beginning of your class around themes like compassion, gratitude, or surrender. chanting mantras, such as the gayatri mantra or om, can help students tap into the devotional essence of bhakti during their practice.

Cultivate a sense of community and connection

Bhakti emphasizes unity and love for all beings. you can cherish this by creating a welcoming environment in your class. encouraging students to connect with each other by looking around in the room at the beginning of the class can cultivate a sense of belonging.

Emphasize on a heart-opening practice

Since bhakti yoga is centered around the heart, you can include more heart-opening poses in your sequence. it can be poses like  ustrasana (camel pose), setu bandhasana (bridge pose), and anahatasana (melting heart pose). pairing these physical practices with guided meditations like metta meditation or self-acceptance can create a strong connection to the principles of bhakti.

You can integrate Bhakti yoga into daily life through small, intentional moments:

  • Start with gratitude – Set an intention each morning.
  • Offer your actions – Treat your work, movement, or breath as devotion.
  • Listen to kirtan – Play mantras while commuting or cooking.
  • Practice kindness – A smile, a kind word, or helping someone in need.
  • See the divine everywhere – Pause to appreciate beauty in nature, people, and daily experiences.

Bhakti is about living with an open, loving heart—on and off the mat.