Ayurveda Workshop – Changing Seasons

As we enter the darker season, the elements of ether and air start to dominate, bringing increased wind and cold—not just in nature, but also within us.


In this workshop, you’ll delve into the basics of Ayurveda and learn how to balance Vata dosha — the ether and air elements in your being.


Ayurveda, which translates to “the wisdom of life,” is a beautiful practice closely connected to yoga. While yoga focuses on finding harmony from the inside out, Ayurveda helps us achieve balance from the outside in. In this workshop, we’ll explore different foods, herbs, and practices that promote balance and harmony. You’ll discover simple yet transformative remedies for diet, lifestyle, and overall health.

Embrace the wisdom of nature and give yourself a nourishing boost for the fall. Learn how to transition into winter with wisdom, enjoyment, and ease.

What to expect from the workshop

Learn about Vata Dosha: we’ll talk about the elements in our bodies, how they express themselves and how they change regarding to season. We’ll spend most time talking about Vata dosha, which is connected to the elements of Wind and air – and therefore are predominant during the fall season. 

Get to know your unique self: Get to know yourself on a deeper, natural level and become aware of how your mind and energy is connected to the seasons. 

Create more harmony in your life: Learn how to read your personal signs on what your body and being needs – and when they need it. 

Practical and easy remedies and food tips: You will get knowledge on how you can be very hands on with yourself. What foods, drinks and practices can help you to find more balance and ease. 

This workshop is suitable for both beginners and more advanced practitioners. Especially those interested in knowing more about health, wellbeing and how to live more in harmony with nature. 

Learn more about the teacher

Isabell has been practicing yoga for her whole adult life. She’s teaching mostly vinyasa yoga and meditation, and in her practice and teachings a lot of emphasis is put on exploring the energy within. She finds movement and yoga asana a beautiful way of connection – and to be honest it’s her daily thearpy. But in addition to this she’s madly on love with the art of Ayurveda. She finds it such a wonderful and potent complement to the more physical practice. Ayurveda is truly a way to take yoga off the mat, and help to live a more conscious and harmonious life.

Isabell has done the 200hrs Vinyasa Krama Teacher Training at Yoga Folks in 2021 and has done several trainings in Ashtanga Yoga, Mindfulness, Ayurveda, Yoga therapy for women and Tantra. She is assisting teacher for our 250hrs Vinyasa training since 2023.

Sunday October 13
14.30 – 17.00

Registration fee
Members 350 SEK
New Folks 500 SEK