We are a group of Folks that are crazy passionate about bringing yoga to the people
All classes in English!

Upcoming courses, retreats & events


A glimpse of our studio, the oasis that has become a transformative hub influencing lives and well-being in Stockholm.
With all that we’re creating we wanna show the people of Stockholm that yoga isn’t always pretty and steady, it can be quite messy and up-rooting, it can be sluggish, abundant, sometimes slow and sometimes rocket fast. We wanna be a place to come to no matter of how you’re doing, a supportive environment for life.
Opening hours Yoga Studio
We unlock the doors to the yoga studio 15 min before class, and close them 15 min after – unless we are here working on creating juicy sequences, handling orders and cutting a rug – then the doors are open as much as possible! Especially during daytime!
What to bring?
Darling, we’ve got ya! Yoga mats, props, lockers with keys, showers, coffee and tea. All you need to bring is your sweet self and comfy clothes (and maybe a towel if you wanna shower) . No class/event requires shoes!
No phone available compadre, send us an email or DM to share your dirty little secrets!